Code_04 星期三, 3月 09, 2016 ΨMythicMob 2.3.0 Ψ焰火元素 Mobs M_01: Type: SPIDER Health: 60 Display: '&f&l焰火元素 &e&lLv- ' Damage: 3 AIGoalSelectors: - 0 clear - 1 OpenDoors - 2 MeleeAttack - 3 randomstroll - 4 Float AITargetSelectors: - 0 clear - 1 Attacker - 2 OtherFaction DropsPerLevel: - exp 5 - M_Code_01 1 0.06 - M_Code_02 1 0.02 LevelModifiers: Health: 5 Armor: 2 DamageModifiers: - PROJECTILE 0.7 - FIRE_TICK -0.3 - FIRE -0.3 - POISON 0 - FALL 0 KillMessages: - ' &c被轟成灰燼' - ' &c被&c給蒸發掉了' Options: AlwaysShowName: true MovementSpeed: 0.22 Despawn: false PreventOtherDrops: true Silent: true Faction: 元素 Modules: ThreatTable: true Equipment: - M_03:4 1 0 Skills: - command{c="replaceitem entity slot.armor.head skull 1 3 <&lc>display<&co><&lc>Name<&co><&dq>Eye<&dq><&rc><&cm>SkullOwner<&co><&lc>Id<&co><&dq>f9f975e2-cdf7-411b-9323-f5db9969f4e2<&dq><&cm>Properties<&co><&lc>textures<&co>[<&lc>Value<&co><&dq>eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmNlZjg3NzcyYWZkODViNDY4ZjRjN2ZiOTU3MWUzMTQzNWVmNzY1YWQ0MTNmZTQ2MDI2MjE1MDQyM2UyMDIxIn19fQ<&eq><&eq><&dq><&rc>]<&rc><&rc><&rc>"} @self ~onSpawn 1 - gcd{ticks=100} @self ~onSpawn 1 - setlevel{a=set;l=1} @self ~onSpawn 1 - setstance{stance= 一般} @self ~onSpawn 1 - setlevel{a=add;l=1} @self ~onSpawn 0.1 - setlevel{a=add;l=1} @self ~onSpawn 0.1 - setlevel{a=add;l=1} @self ~onSpawn 0.1 - setlevel{a=add;l=1} @self ~onSpawn 0.2 - setlevel{a=add;l=1} @self ~onSpawn 0.2 - setlevel{a=add;l=1} @self ~onSpawn 0.2 - setlevel{a=add;l=1} @self ~onSpawn 0.2 - setlevel{a=add;l=1} @self ~onSpawn 0.3 - setlevel{a=add;l=1} @self ~onSpawn 0.3 - skill{s=M_01} @self ~onTimer:5 - skill{s=FireBolt} @Target ~onTimer:60 0.3 - skill{s=M_04} ~onDamaged 0.7 - skill{s=M_02_2} >0 0.2 - skill{s=M_02} ~onDamaged 0.2 - skill{s=M_03} ~onDamaged 0.04 - skill{s=M_03} ~onDamaged <30% 0.2 - skill{s=M_01sound} @self ~onDamaged 1 - skill{s=Code_M01_Sword} @self ~onDamaged 1 - skill{s=M_01_daySound} @self ~onTimer:120 - sound{s=mob.blaze.breathe;p=0.7;v=1.0} @self ~onDamage 0.05 - sound{;p=0.7;v=2.0} @self ~onDeath - skill{s=M_02x} ~onSignal:Code_B - skill{s=M_03x} ~onSignal:Code_A - disguise{d=ARMOR_STAND} @self ~onSpawn Disguise: Type: ARMOR_STAND ShowName: true Invisible: true M_01a: Type: PIG Health: 100 Display: '&e&l致命元素火柱' Damage: 3 KillMessages: - ' &c被&c轟成灰燼' - ' &c被&c給蒸發掉了' Options: Despawn: false PreventMobKillDrops: true PreventOtherDrops: true NoAI: true Silent: true Faction: 元素 Skills: - effect:particlesphere{particle=flame;amount=10;radius=1;s=0.08;vs=1;hs=0.05;y=0} @self ~onSpawn 1 - setstance{stance= 啟動;delay=20} @self ~onSpawn 1 - disguise{d=wither_skeleton;delay=20} @self ~onSpawn 1 - skill{s=M_01a} ~onTimer:5 - skill{s=FireTEffect} ~onTimer:15 - remove{delay=160} @self ~onSpawn 1 Disguise: Type: Zombie Invisible: true M_01c: Type: PIG Health: 300 Display: '&e&l致命元素大火柱' Damage: 3 KillMessages: - ' &c被&c轟成灰燼' - ' &c被&c給蒸發掉了' Options: Despawn: false PreventMobKillDrops: true PreventOtherDrops: true NoAI: true Silent: true DamageModifiers: - FIRE_TICK -0.1 - FIRE -0.1 Faction: 元素 Skills: - effect:particles{p=lava;a=50;hS=3;vS=1} @self ~onSpawn 1 - effect:particles{p=lava;a=50;hS=3;vS=1;delay=15} @self ~onSpawn 1 - setstance{stance= 啟動;delay=50} @self ~onSpawn 1 - disguise{d=SLIME:4;delay=50} @self ~onSpawn 1 - mount{type=M_01e;delay=50} @self ~onSpawn 1 - skill{s=Code_M_01_01} ~onTimer:10 - remove{delay=200} @self ~onSpawn 1 - effect:particlebox{particle=largesmoke;amount=100;s=0.05;radius=1;y=2;delay=220} @self ~onSpawn 1 Disguise: Type: Zombie Invisible: true M_01e: Type: PIG Health: 300 Display: '&e&l致命元素大火柱' Damage: 3 KillMessages: - ' &c被&c轟成灰燼' - ' &c被&c給蒸發掉了' Options: Despawn: false PreventMobKillDrops: true PreventOtherDrops: true NoAI: true Silent: true DamageModifiers: - FIRE_TICK -0.1 - FIRE -0.1 Faction: 元素 Skills: - setstance{stance= 啟動} @self ~onSpawn 1 - effect:particles{p=lava;a=20;hS=1;vS=1;y=2} @self ~onTimer:20 - effect:particlesphere{particle=flame;amount=10;radius=1;s=0.01;vs=0.5;hs=0.7;y=0;delay=25} @Ring{radius=3;points=5} ~onSpawn 1 - summon{type=M_01a;amount=1;radius=0;delay=70} @Ring{radius=3;points=5} ~onSpawn 1 - skill{s=Code_M_01_01} ~onTimer:10 - remove{delay=200} @self ~onSpawn 1 - effect:particlebox{particle=largesmoke;amount=100;s=0.05;radius=2;delay=200} @self ~onSpawn 1 Disguise: Type: SLIME:4 Burning: true ShowName: true Invisible: true M_01f: Type: PIG Health: 100 Display: '&e&l站立體技能中斷_Code_B' Damage: 3 Options: Despawn: false PreventMobKillDrops: true PreventOtherDrops: true NoAI: true Silent: true Faction: 元素 Skills: - setlevel{a=add;l=1} @self ~onSignal:Code_Count - setlevel{a=subtract;l=1} @self ~onSignal:Code_CountD - setstance{stance= 啟動;delay=100} @self ~onSpawn 1 - potion{type=DAMAGE_RESISTANCE;duration=340;level=20} @self ~onSpawn - skill{s=Code_M01_BreakOutOrNot;delay=165} ~onSpawn - skill{s=Code_B_S} - skill{s=Code_BreakOutSS} - remove{delay=280} @self ~onSpawn 1 Disguise: Type: SLIME:1 Burning: true ShowName: true Invisible: true M_01fA: Type: PIG Health: 100 Display: '&e&l站立體技能中斷_Code_A' Damage: 3 Options: Despawn: false PreventMobKillDrops: true PreventOtherDrops: true NoAI: true Silent: true Faction: 元素 Skills: - setlevel{a=add;l=1} @self ~onSignal:Code_Count - setlevel{a=subtract;l=1} @self ~onSignal:Code_CountD - setstance{stance= 啟動;delay=100} @self ~onSpawn 1 - potion{type=DAMAGE_RESISTANCE;duration=340;level=20} @self ~onSpawn - skill{s=Code_M01_BreakOutOrNotA;delay=240} ~onSpawn - skill{s=Code_A_S} - skill{s=Code_BreakOutSS} - remove{delay=360} @self ~onSpawn 1 Disguise: Type: SLIME:1 Burning: true ShowName: true Invisible: true M_01fB: Type: PIG Health: 100 Display: '&e&l站立體技能中斷_Code_C' Damage: 3 Options: Despawn: false PreventMobKillDrops: true PreventOtherDrops: true NoAI: true Silent: true Faction: 元素 Skills: - potion{type=DAMAGE_RESISTANCE;duration=340;level=20} @self ~onSpawn - remove{delay=150} @self ~onSpawn 1 Disguise: Type: SLIME:1 Burning: true ShowName: true Invisible: true M_01g: Type: PIG Health: 100 Display: '&e&l致命元素火堆' Damage: 3 KillMessages: - ' &c被&c燙成烤雞' - ' &c想在火堆裡跳舞' Options: Invincible: true PreventMobKillDrops: true PreventOtherDrops: true NoAI: true Silent: true DamageModifiers: - FIRE_TICK -0.1 - FIRE -0.1 Faction: 元素 Skills: - effect:particlesphere{particle=flame;amount=7;radius=0.6;s=0.08;vs=1;hs=0.05;y=0} @self ~onSpawn 1 - setstance{stance= 啟動;delay=15} @self ~onSpawn 1 - disguise{d=PIG;delay=15} @self ~onSpawn 1 - skill{s=M_01a2} ~onTimer:5 - effect:particlesphere{particle=flame;amount=2;radius=1;s=0.01;vs=1.5;hs=0.05;y=0} @self ~onTimer:10 - remove{delay=75} @self ~onSpawn 1 - sound{s=item.fireCharge.use;p=1.0;v=0.25} @self ~onTimer:5 - ignite{ticks=6} @self ~onTimer:5 Disguise: Type: SLIME:1 Burning: true Invisible: true M_01_code_01: Type: SPIDER Health: 60 Display: '&e&l焰火元素發射筒' Damage: 3 Faction: 守護者 AIGoalSelectors: - 0 clear - 5 Float - 2 MeleeAttack - 1 OpenDoors - 3 randomstroll AITargetSelectors: - 0 clear - 3 hurtbytarget - 2 Monsters - 1 specificfaction 兇狠聯盟 KillMessages: - ' &c被轟成灰燼' - ' &c被&c給蒸發掉了' Options: Invincible: true Despawn: false PreventMobKillDrops: true PreventOtherDrops: true Silent: true Skills: - potion{type=SLOW;duration=250;level=30} @self ~onSpawn 1 - skill{s=FireBolt} @Target ~onTimer:10 - remove{delay=200} @self ~onSpawn 1 - effect:particles{p=cloud;y=1.5;a=30;s=0.1;vs=0.3;hs=0.3;delay=190} @self ~onSpawn 1 - effect:particles{p=fireworksSpark;y=1.5;a=30;s=0.1;vs=0.3;hs=0.3;delay=190} @self ~onSpawn 1 - effect:particlesphere{particle=enchantmenttable;amount=3;radius=1.5;s=0.1;vs=0.5;hs=0.5;y=1} @Self ~onTimer:2 - effect:particlesphere{particle=flame;amount=1;radius=0.5;s=0.01;vs=0.1;hs=0.1;y=1} @Self ~onTimer:2 Equipment: - M_01:4 Disguise: Type: Zombie Invisible: true ShowName: true 主要代碼:M_01 Skills M_02_keepOut: Cooldown: 0 Conditions: Skills: - effect:sound{s=mob.zombie.unfect;v=2;p=1} @PlayersInRadius{r=3} - throw{velocity=20;velocityY=5} @LivingEntitiesInRadius{r=3} - effect:particlesphere{particle=witchMagic;amount=5;radius=1;s=0.1;vs=0.1;hs=0.1;y=0.5} @LivingEntitiesInRadius{r=3} M_01_daySound: Cooldown: 0 Conditions: - targetnotwithin 10 Skills: - sound{s=ambient.cave.cave;p=3;v=2} M_01sound: Cooldown: 0 Conditions: Skills: - skill{s=M_01s} - skill{s=M_02s} M_01s: Cooldown: 0 Conditions: - stance 一般 Skills: - sound{;p=0.7;v=1.0} M_02s: Cooldown: 0 Conditions: - stance 蓄氣 Skills: - sound{s=mob.zombie.infect;p=1;v=2.0} M_01: Cooldown: 0 Conditions: Skills: - skill{s=M_01_1} - skill{s=M_01_2} M_01_1: Cooldown: 0 Conditions: - stance 一般 Skills: - consume{d=0;h=1} @MobsInRadius{r=2;types=M_01a} - effect:particlesphere{particle=enchantmenttable;amount=3;radius=1;s=0.1;vs=0.5;hs=0.5;y=1} - effect:particles{p=fireworksSpark;y=1.5;a=1;vs=0;hs=0.1} - effect:particlesphere{particle=flame;amount=5;radius=1;s=0.01;vs=0.1;hs=0.1;y=1} M_01_2: Cooldown: 0 Conditions: - stance 蓄氣 Skills: - signal{s=Code_Count} @MobsInRadius{r=1;types=M_01f,M_01fA} - consume{d=1;h=0.1} @MobsInRadius{r=1;types=M_01f,M_01fA} - consume{d=0;h=1} @MobsInRadius{r=2;types=M_01a} - effect:particlesphere{particle=enchantmenttable;amount=5;radius=1.5;s=0.1;vs=0.5;hs=0.5;y=1} - effect:particles{p=fireworksSpark;y=1.5;a=1;vs=0;hs=0.1} - effect:particlesphere{particle=flame;amount=2;radius=0.5;s=0.01;vs=0.1;hs=0.1;y=1} M_02: Cooldown: 20 Conditions: - offgcd Skills: - mount{type=M_01f} @self - gcd{ticks=300} - setstance{stance= 蓄氣} @self - potion{type=SLOW;duration=220;level=10} @self - potion{type=DAMAGE_RESISTANCE;duration=220;level=3} @self - delay 95 M_02x: Cooldown: 15 Conditions: Skills: - skill{s=M_02_keepOut} - delay 1 - summon{type=M_01a;amount=1;radius=1} @TargetLocation - effect:particlesphere{particle=flame;amount=20;radius=1;s=0.1;vs=0.1;hs=0.1;y=1} @self - sound{;p=1.5;v=1.0} @self - delay 40 - skill{s=M_02_keepOut} - delay 1 - summon{type=M_01a;amount=1;radius=1} @TargetLocation - effect:particlesphere{particle=flame;amount=20;radius=1;s=0.1;vs=0.1;hs=0.1;y=1} @self - sound{;p=1.5;v=1.0} @self - delay 40 - skill{s=M_02_keepOut} - delay 1 - summon{type=M_01a;amount=1;radius=1} @TargetLocation - effect:particlesphere{particle=flame;amount=20;radius=1;s=0.1;vs=0.1;hs=0.1;y=1} @self - sound{;p=1.5;v=1.0} @self - delay 40 - setstance{stance= 一般} @self M_02_2: Cooldown: 20 Conditions: - offgcd Skills: - mount{type=M_01fB} @self - gcd{ticks=200} - setstance{stance= 蓄氣} @self - potion{type=SLOW;duration=140;level=10} @self - potion{type=DAMAGE_RESISTANCE;duration=140;level=3} @self - delay 40 - skill{s=FireBoltMax} @Target - delay 100 - setstance{stance= 一般} @self M_03: Cooldown: 60 Conditions: - offgcd Skills: - mount{type=M_01fA} @self - gcd{ticks=1200} - setstance{stance= 蓄氣} @self - sendtitle{title="&c警告!";subtitle="&l&f必殺技準備中!";fo=60} @PlayersInRadius{r=20} - potion{type=SLOW;duration=340;level=10} @self - potion{type=DAMAGE_RESISTANCE;duration=340;level=3} @self - delay 150 M_03x: Cooldown: 15 Conditions: Skills: - effect:particlesphere{particle=flame;amount=40;radius=1;s=0.1;vs=0.3;hs=0.3;y=1} @self - sound{;p=1.5;v=1.0} @self - delay 15 - skill{s=M_02_keepOut} - delay 1 - throw{velocity=30;velocityY=5} @LivingEntitiesInRadius{r=3} - delay 1 - randomskill { skills= M_03a1, M_03a1; } - delay 180 - setstance{stance= 一般} @self M_03a1: Cooldown: 15 Conditions: Skills: - summon{type=M_01c;amount=1;radius=1} @TargetLocation M_03a2: Cooldown: 15 Conditions: Skills: - skill{s=Code_Hard} @e[r=15,c=1] - gcd{ticks=600} M_04: Cooldown: 10 Conditions: - offgcd Skills: - skill{s=FireBolt} @Target - delay 10 - skill{s=FireBolt} @Target - delay 20 - skill{s=FireBolt} @Ring{radius=5;points=16} FireBolt: Skills: - projectile{onTick=FireBolt-Tick;onHit=FireBolt-Hit;v=8;i=1;hR=1;vR=1;mr=10;HitNonPlayers=true} FireBolt-Tick: Skills: - effect:particlesphere{particle=flame;amount=2;radius=0.5;s=0.01;vs=0.01;hs=0.01} @origin - effect:particles{p=largesmoke;amount=1;speed=0;hR=0.2;vR=0.2} @origin FireBolt-Hit: Skills: - sound{s=item.fireCharge.use;p=0.3;v=1.0} @self - damage{a=2} - ignite{ticks=100} FireBoltMax: Skills: - projectile{oe=FBM_BOOM;onTick=CodeFBTM;oh=CodeFBHM;v=3;i=7;hR=2;vR=2;mr=10;HugSurface=true;HitNonPlayers=true;StopAtEntity=false} - remove{delay=60} @MobsInRadius{r=2;types=M_01g} CodeFBTM: Skills: - effect:particlesphere{particle=flame;amount=2;radius=0.5;s=0.01;vs=0.01;hs=0.01} @origin - summon{type=M_01g;amount=1;radius=1;os=true} @origin CodeFBHM: Skills: - sound{s=item.fireCharge.use;p=1.3;v=1.0} @self - ignite{ticks=100} FBM_BOOM: Cooldown: 0.5 Conditions: Skills: - effect:particles{p=lava;a=50;hS=1;vS=1} @origin - effect:sound{s=random.explode;v=2;p=2} @origin - summon{type=M_01a;amount=1;radius=0;os=true} @origin FireTEffect: Conditions: - stance 啟動 Skills: - effect:particlebox{p=flame;y=0;a=15;s=0.01;vs=0.5;hs=0.01;r=1.5} @SelfLocation - throw{velocity=0;velocityY=3} @LivingEntitiesInRadius{r=2} - delay 3 - effect:particlebox{p=flame;y=1.7;a=15;s=0.01;vs=0.5;hs=0.01;r=1.3} @SelfLocation - throw{velocity=0;velocityY=3} @LivingEntitiesInRadius{r=2} - sound{s=item.fireCharge.use;p=1.0;v=0.25} @self - delay 3 - effect:particlebox{p=flame;y=3.4;a=15;s=0.01;vs=0.5;hs=0.01;r=1.1} @SelfLocation - throw{velocity=0;velocityY=3} @LivingEntitiesInRadius{r=2} - sound{s=item.fireCharge.use;p=1.0;v=0.25} @self M_01a: Cooldown: 0 Conditions: - stance 啟動 Skills: - damage{amount=1;pkb=true} @LivingEntitiesInRadius{r=2} - ignite{ticks=100} @LivingEntitiesInRadius{r=2} - ignite{ticks=100} @Self - sound{s=mob.blaze.hit;p=1.0;v=0.25} @self 0.1 M_01a2: Cooldown: 0 Conditions: - stance 啟動 Skills: - sound{s=item.fireCharge.use;p=1.0;v=0.25} @self - throw{velocity=0;velocityY=1} @LivingEntitiesInRadius{r=2} - damage{amount=1;pkb=true} @LivingEntitiesInRadius{r=2} - ignite{ticks=50} @LivingEntitiesInRadius{r=2} Code_M_01_01: Cooldown: 0 Conditions: - stance 啟動 Skills: - throw{velocity=0;velocityY=5} @LivingEntitiesInRadius{r=4} - damage{amount=2;pkb=true} @LivingEntitiesInRadius{r=4} - ignite{ticks=1000} @LivingEntitiesInRadius{r=4} - effect:particlesphere{particle=flame;amount=2;radius=2;s=0.01;vs=2;hs=0.1;y=0} @self - sound{s=item.fireCharge.use;p=1.0;v=1.0} @self - ignite{ticks=1000} @self Code_M01_Sword: Cooldown: 0 Conditions: - playerwithin 4 Skills: - potion{type=HUNGER;duration=280;level=2} @PlayersInRadius{r=3} - signal{s=Code_CountD} @MobsInRadius{r=2;types=M_01f,M_01fA} - signal{s=Code_CountD} @MobsInRadius{r=2;types=M_01f,M_01fA} 0.3 - signal{s=Code_CountD} @MobsInRadius{r=2;types=M_01f,M_01fA} >50% 0.3 - signal{s=Code_CountD} @MobsInRadius{r=2;types=M_01f,M_01fA} >80% 0.3 - effect:itemspray{i=M_04;a=1;v=0.3;d=40} @Self Code_M01_BreakOutOrNot: Cooldown: 60 Conditions: - stance 啟動 Skills: - skill{s=Code_BreakOut} - skill{s=Code_B_Sv} Code_M01_BreakOutOrNotA: Cooldown: 60 Conditions: - stance 啟動 Skills: - skill{s=Code_BreakOutA} - skill{s=Code_A_Sv} Code_B_Sv: Cooldown: 0 Conditions: - stance 啟動 - level 25-100 Skills: - signal{s=Code_B} @MobsInRadius{r=1;types=M_01} - setstance{stance= 結束} @self Code_A_Sv: Cooldown: 0 Conditions: - stance 啟動 - level 20-100 Skills: - signal{s=Code_A} @MobsInRadius{r=1;types=M_01} - setstance{stance= 結束} @self Code_B_S: Cooldown: 5 Conditions: - stance 啟動 - level 24-100 Skills: - signal{s=Code_B} @MobsInRadius{r=1;types=M_01} - setstance{stance= 結束} @self Code_A_S: Cooldown: 5 Conditions: - stance 啟動 - level 38-100 Skills: - signal{s=Code_A} @MobsInRadius{r=1;types=M_01} - setstance{stance= 結束} @self Code_BreakOut: Cooldown: 0 Conditions: - stance 啟動 - level <20 Skills: - gcd{ticks=250} - sound{;p=1.5;v=1} @self - actionmessage{m="&f&l-≡※ &e&l成功中斷施法!&f&l ※≡-"} @PlayersInRadius{r=5} - setstance{stance= 一般} @MobsInRadius{r=1;types=M_01} - remove{delay=2} @self Code_BreakOutA: Cooldown: 0 Conditions: - stance 啟動 - level <15 Skills: - gcd{ticks=250} - sound{;p=1.5;v=1} @self - actionmessage{m="&f&l-≡※ &e&l成功中斷施法!&f&l ※≡-"} @PlayersInRadius{r=5} - setstance{stance= 一般} @MobsInRadius{r=1;types=M_01} - remove{delay=2} @self Code_BreakOutSS: Cooldown: 0 Conditions: - stance 啟動 - level <5 Skills: - gcd{ticks=600} - sound{;p=1.5;v=1} @self - actionmessage{m="&f&l-≡※ &e&l成功中斷施法!&f&l ※≡-"} @PlayersInRadius{r=5} - setstance{stance= 一般} @MobsInRadius{r=1;types=M_01} - remove{delay=2} @self FireBoltMax_a: Cooldown: 0 Conditions: - level >15 Skills: - projectile{oe=FBM_BOOM;onTick=CodeFBTM;oh=CodeFBHM;v=-3;i=7;hR=2;vR=2;mr=10;HugSurface=true;HitNonPlayers=true;StopAtEntity=false} @Trigger - setlevel{a=subtract;l=5} - effect:particles{p=instantSpell} @Ring{radius=3;points=9} - remove{delay=20} @MobsInRadius{r=2;types=M_01g} - remove{delay=30} @MobsInRadius{r=2;types=M_01g} - remove{delay=40} @MobsInRadius{r=2;types=M_01g} - remove{delay=50} @MobsInRadius{r=2;types=M_01g} - remove{delay=60} @MobsInRadius{r=2;types=M_01g} - remove{delay=80} @MobsInRadius{r=2;types=M_01g} FireBolta: Cooldown: 0 Conditions: Skills: - skill{s=FireBolta1} - skill{s=FireBolta2} FireBolta1: Cooldown: 0 Conditions: - level >15 Skills: - projectile{onTick=FireBolt-Tick;onHit=FireBolt-Hit;v=-8;i=1;hR=1;vR=1;mr=10;g=0.3;HitNonPlayers=true} - setlevel{a=subtract;l=1} 0.8 - effect:particles{p=instantSpell} @Ring{radius=3;points=9} FireBolta2: Cooldown: 0 Conditions: - level 0-15 Skills: - projectile{onTick=Code_Shoot_00a;v=-8;i=3;hR=1;vR=1;mr=10;g=0.3;HitNonPlayers=false;HitPlayers=false} - damage{amount=1;ia=true} @MobsInRadius{r=1;types=Code_Shoot} 0.5 技能無法取得,無主要代碼 Items M_01: Id: 397 Data: 3 Amount: 1 Display: '&9爐芯' Lore: Enchantments: Options: Player: BurningFurnace M_03: Id: 397 Data: 1 Amount: 1 Display: '&9凋零骷髏頭' Lore: Enchantments: Options: Player: Edna_I M_04: Id: 377 Data: 0 Amount: 1 Display: '&9破碎之焰' Lore: Enchantments: - LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS:5 Options: M_Code_01: Id: MONSTER_EGG Data: 0 Amount: 1 Display: '&c&l封印石&f&l - &e&l焰火元素發射筒' Lore: - "\xa78\xa7oA Mythical Egg that can" - "\xa78\xa7obe used to resurrect a" - "\xa78\xa7oM_01_code_01" Enchantments: - LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS:5 Options: M_Code_02: Id: MONSTER_EGG Data: 0 Amount: 1 Display: '&c&l封印石&f&l - &e&l煉獄焰火' Lore: - "\xa78\xa7oA Mythical Egg that can" - "\xa78\xa7obe used to resurrect a" - "\xa78\xa7oM_01c" Enchantments: - LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS:5 Options: 主要代碼:M_Code_01、M_Code_02 留言 Unknown2016年8月7日 晚上10:52裝了焰火元素的Skill會出現這兩個錯誤[22:50:55 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Error with 'MOBSINRADIUS' targeter: The 'type' attribute must be a valid MythicMob or MythicEntity type.[22:50:55 WARN]: [MythicMobs] -- Incorrect attribute: Code_Shoot回覆刪除回覆Unknown2016年8月7日 晚上10:52測試環境PaperSpigot1.8.7 JAVA8刪除回覆回覆Unknown2016年8月7日 晚上10:58剛剛試了PaperSpigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar也是有這個問題刪除回覆回覆宵閣玖鑰2016年8月8日 凌晨1:05喔喔~ 那是指技能裡面有個指定對象不存在啦...我也不知道為什麼有那個對象了...=口= |||可能以前設定到忘記了,也沒刪除造成的~ 不用擔心不是什麼大問題技能最後一行 - damage{amount=1;ia=true} @MobsInRadius{r=1;types=Code_Shoot} 0.5刪掉就可以了刪除回覆回覆回覆新增留言載入更多… 張貼留言
回覆刪除[22:50:55 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Error with 'MOBSINRADIUS' targeter: The 'type' attribute must be a valid MythicMob or MythicEntity type.
[22:50:55 WARN]: [MythicMobs] -- Incorrect attribute: Code_Shoot
測試環境PaperSpigot1.8.7 JAVA8
刪除喔喔~ 那是指技能裡面有個指定對象不存在啦...
刪除我也不知道為什麼有那個對象了...=口= |||
可能以前設定到忘記了,也沒刪除造成的~ 不用擔心不是什麼大問題
- damage{amount=1;ia=true} @MobsInRadius{r=1;types=Code_Shoot} 0.5